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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

What a week: busy (as always) with happy times like when we brought the hay to keep the dogs warm for the winter to come, and also sad moments when we said goodbye to the beautiful boy Beaver (he got kidney failure and his small body could not keep going anymore). Our great team of volunteers worked pretty hard this week, walking so many runs, putting jumpers on the dogs to keep them warm, helping to put the hay in the runs, looking after some of our more sick animals at the clinic with love and care (especially our boy beaver!), painting rocks (which we hope to not use at all) and much more! For all of this, THANK YOU GUYS, it was a lovely week. We hope to see you all soon, you will always have a door open here when you want to visit us.

Moira, Brogan, Casey, Rose, Paul and Jane thank you so much for your exellent job at the main area; Barbera thanks for keeping the office always clean and its inhabitants always happy, also for painting such beautiful rocks; Annelies and Kerry thanks for the love and care towards the cats and your extra help with the dogs; Lucie we admire your dedication with so many puppies, thanks for your exellent job; Jack thanks for the daily eye medications, check ups and much more and Monica, you made it so much easier to give bravecto and deworming to more than 400 dogs!!!, thanks a lot for that; Finally a big thank you Jen and Chelsey for your dedication and love with Beaver and the little kitten, we know you did not have much sleep this last week but we guarantee it was worth it to provide a warm and sweet home for Beaver in his last times.

And a BIG THANKS for collecting money to donate mops, food bowls, diapers for Marew and much more!!!!

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