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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

We want to thanks our incredible team this week. You guys rock!


Time flies and it’s been two weeks since Steph started taking care of our family of moms and four puppies. Thank you very much Steph for the love and dedication you gave them and in general for your good vibes. We will miss you and we hope you come back soon. Thanks also for taking care of our great Whootong boy, I’m sure he’ll miss you too. We will keep you updated on the development and growth of this small family. For all you did the last two weeks THANKS SO SO MUCH! 


Thank you very much Lauren and Marie for your great work in the gallery area. Thank you for your good energy, your willingness to help in everything, and also to coordinate the walk with the disabled dogs. Lauren we wish you the best and we hope to see you here again. Marie, we are very happy to know that you are not leaving the park, as we know that you will visit us from time to time during the next week as a volunteer with the elephants.


Simona, thanks a lot for helping us first in the Gallery and after in the main area. Thanks a lot too for helping the veterinary staff due to your ability to speak the language. We wish you the best and we hope you can come back one day again and teach us some Thai language.


Sergio, thank you for your great help this week and for your support to Elaine in the care of the puppies. We will miss your smile and sense of humor. We wish you the best in your next experience and hope you have learned a great lesson this week


Rebecca and Phillip, although you were not with us all week, it was a pleasure to meet you both and we thank you for helping us in the main area as well as for the love and care that you provided to Mr. Peanut Butter.


Caring for four puppies that grow at impressive speeds, especially in a limited space, is certainly not an easy task – however, Susan has managed to teach them some manners and is in the process of getting them to live in certain harmony. The health of the puppies is very good and we hope that they will soon be able to leave quarantine; Meanwhile, we are very grateful to Susan for this enormous task and for wanting to be with us for another week despite the circumstances. We also want to thank Susan for taking care of our beloved Baby Jacky as well as Harmony, who has been much closer to people in recent times.


How lucky can a puppy be? Always having amazing people taking care of him, little Griff knows exactly how to conquer the heart of the volunteers. This week the turn was for Renske who fell in love with him instantly. Renske booked initially for one week but decided to stay with us one more and we could not be happier for that. We don’t see Renske very much as little Griff is still in strict quarantine but every time we see Renske and the big smile on her face we know little Griff is doing great. Thanks so much for all you have done for him this week and thanks for staying with us one more week, we cannot be happier!


Long and arduous hours of work dedicated to taking care of 12 small puppies. Elaine thank you very much for leading the team this week and guiding Sergio in the task of taking care of this group of gods and goddesses (that’s how the puppies were called). Thank you, Elaine, for your patience, for understanding the circumstances and especially for your dedication and love. We are very grateful and happy that you continue with us this new week. Elaine Kennedy


Putting some hay in the runs!


Our incredible staff Sao giving some love to sweet Sky


Shira thank you very much for your great help in the main area, for your love and dedication to each and every one of our doggies and also thank you for your immense help coordinating the visit of the volunteers with the elephants, making sure that each of our areas had attention and to a large extent, even taking many of the runs for a walk. Not to mention the love and care for Mister Peanut Butter. For all that, THANKS! We owe you a nice picture with him! Shira Biblash

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