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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Big thanks to this small but amazing team this week!

In the main area, Amanda with the support of Sao and Carolina and elephants volunteers managed to walk, clean and feed everyone. We are looking forward seeing you again in a few weeks.

In the gallery with every single cage occupied, Guen and Claudia did an amazing job, thanks so much for your hard work and dedication.

In the office, Yun- An took a great care of Boss and Lorri and of course help in everything needed in other areas.

Taking care of our season puppies was Hannah who also gave extra love to our boys Whootong and Ox.

And finally, Denice who took care of our 8 puppies and is now taking care of our special girl Baby Jacky.

We want to give special thanks to Emily who was actually an elephant volunteer who spent the whole time taking care of our 12 Olympians puppies and our old boy Duncan. Emily, you are not in the picture but we really appreciate your hard work and dedication.

And two more thanks. One for our special Pedro who left us in the middle of the week after being with us for almost a month, helping us in so many ways, is always a pleasure to have you here and we are looking forward to seeing you in, hopefully, less than 6 months.

And Rob, who spent about 4 days with us helping especially in the main area. Rob also did a very generous donation of mops, buckets, clipboards, dog beds, treats and much more, no words to describe how thankful we are for that.

We don’t want to finish this message without say one more time thank you to Jess and Chelsie who have been helping with all the adoption check-ups, putting dogs back in their runs after finishing their treatments and much more.

The Team
An giving a bath to Mumma Rose
Sao giving fluids to Stripe
Rob and Amanda cleaning the floor
Rob Cleaning Again!
An Cleaning Again
All the items donated by Rob. Thanks a lot for that!
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