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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another week is over and we want to thank our group of volunteers who came from different parts of the world to help. We are very sad that two incredible people are leaving us this week: Fay and Stuart, who have done an incredible job in the main area and in many other tasks like feeding our dogs with a special diet and caring for our lonely kids Whootong, Long and Ox.

Also thank you to the couple Madeline and Taco who were always ready to help with everything – Madeline with our 12 puppies and Taco in the main area and in many other things, is always good to have a handyman around. At the Gallery, many thanks again to Guen who has been leading the area for several weeks and taking care of some permanent residents like Libi and Bindi as well as little Gio. This week she had Marlene who was an incredible support. Thank you, both!

Other thanks go to Sarah and Juliane who took care of our little Sky and Diabla as well as Samui and our friends in steel run. Also thanks to Laerke for taking care of our beloved Boss and little Lorri.

Gavin, you were an incredible mum for our group of 8 pups, from when the sun came up until night time you gave an excellent care to the pups. Thanks a lot for that

Big thanks to our frequent volunteer Pedro, you have been an extra – helpful hand in everything: from taking care of the pups to bringing elephant volunteers to see our doggies, for sure some of the adoptions are from you!

And once again we want to thank our long-term volunteers Chelsie and Jess for making sure our dogs get checked by the vets, for helping get our dogs ready who have been adopted and much more!

To all of you a BIG THANKS!!!!!





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