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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

A big thanks to our group of volunteers this week: with lots of baths, swapping runs around, walking our disabled dogs and much more; we had our hands full. In the main area, we want to thank Anna, Jo, Karolis and Sarah, you guys did great, the cages always clean and tidy without mentioning the love you gave to Qutee, Luke, our crazy boy Pinto and many more.
Thanks Holly for taking care of our beautiful guys at the office and our little Peanut. In the gallery thanks a lot to Stuart, Stephanie (who actually was an elephant vol who decided to spend all her time with the dogs) and Guen.

A big thanks to Heather and Harley who spent the last three weeks looking after the dogs in the nursery. With time and patience you did an incredible job making some of our shy dogs trust someone again. We sure are going to miss you. And finally… Lisa who basically had lunch and dinner every day at the shelter either visiting some runs or taking care of Nora and Duncan at her room. You did not stop working and we really appreciated the love you gave to our dogs.


Stephanie and crazy Pinto


Stuart Pougher and Lisa Dodgson giving cuddles to our boy Duncan. Thank you both for all the love you gave the old little man.


Anna Lein and Baby Jacky. This pic show the strong connection between them. So many dogs were so happy that Anna was back!


And one more of Heather Wilkinson-Thorley and Kina during dinner time


Heather Wilkinson-Thorley and Sao hanging out with our little agros who are becoming both sweethearts.


In one of the daily walks Harley Ahlfors with Bean and June B.


Such a beautiful pic of Stuart carrying stubborn Dolly


Jess running with beautiful Stripe, trying out the new play run!


And here Karolis and his favorite one Guinness!


The whole gang!

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