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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Thank you to this week’s group of volunteers!

We had good weather (for rainy season) and were able to get so much done. Thank you everyone for all your hard work – all the dogs on our ever growing bath list were ticked off and given extra cuddles for their patience and good behaviour.
I can also say that you guys did an amazing job on cleaning up the clinic. Whoo Tong sends his big slobbery snaggletooth kisses to you all for giving him so much love and his new super cool wooden house.

Anna and Stuart – it was great to have you guys return to us… plus with Harley, Heather and Laura we have a strong group of people who’ve got the routine down to take us into next few weeks!

And of course to our long term team… Jen and Robbie thank you so much for your hard work, patience and devotion to all our dogs (Robbie we weren’t ready to say goodbye…)

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