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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Thank you to this week’s amazing, hard working volunteers! You all stuck together when we had some hard times and we ended the week on a high note.

Thank you Fabien, Jacinta and Gillian for all your dedication in our main area. We’ve had fun dancing around the construction workers and have finally got 6 brand new cages to finish the week.

Tim and Danielle, thank you for all the love and care you gave to our gallery dogs. You’ve had your fair share of big dogs now all our puppy mill dogs have got the all clear to go back to their run – except our resident, little Lunia!

Paul, we can’t thank you enough for looking after our little dogs in the office! Our little man Boss always has you keeping an extra eye on him as well as your help with all the other sections of the clinic and never forgetting our solitary boys Long and Whoo Tong.

Katrina and Jake, you were amazing this week and so caring during every moment with our nursery dogs. Flora and Fauna won’t forget their first walks with you! Jacob, you truly impressed every one of us with your maturity and humour throughout the week – I hope the travel bug will send you back this way in the future!

Finally, thank you to our long term team for all their constant hard work. Jen, thank you for returning after your time off in Cambodia; I’m sure Ette and the girls were so happy to have you back!


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