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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

A sad farewell to this week’s big group of volunteers who did an amazing job.

This week ended on a rainy note and we had to take refuge in Open Run 1 for the group photo – not that they were complaining!

We had an amazing team this week who helped us speed through the months medication and Bravecto in all of the runs. All the runs got walked; some even were lucky enough to get a couple extra walks… And every run got love and attention. We had a couple escape attempts by DV2 and everyone was at the ready to lend a hand in rounding the dogs up and showed true teamwork and commitment. We’ve also had quite a few shy dogs in clinic this week so thank you to all of you for showing such patience and understanding to our more fearful friends; we’ve seen such an improvement in some of them!

Also a big thank you to Tamara for coming back to get Mango the cat! She will be missed by all her roommates who got to experience her cuddles and craziness… including Mhee and Baby Jackie!

We hope to see you all back here in the future! (We will see you on Monday Naomi!)

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