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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another week is over already and we had to say goodbye to another great team of volunteers!

Thank you for all the hard work you guys did this week – it was an especially hard, physical week with removing all the damp straw from most of the runs in the humid weather here. You were all such a quick, determined group who powered through the runs so fast I could barely keep up with the bike to dump the straw!

We had some pretty wet weather this week but nonetheless, everyone was always willing to give the clinic dogs the attention they needed in the place of their usual walks. Even with the rain, we managed to get through all the runs with walking and socialising when we had a break from the rainy season…

Thank you Damian for another 2 weeks with us and we will see you soon hopefully!

And Robbie, thank you for sticking with us for an extra week and we know you’ll be back soon (hopefully Karma won’t lose any teeth while you’re away!)

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