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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

A big thank you to this week’s dog volunteers!
It’s because of all of you that all our dogs got the love and attention they deserved – both in the clinic and in the runs.
Thank you Dorian for all the love you gave to the office dogs and the pups who, I know stole, your heart.
Sandra and Jen you did an amazing job looking after all the little dogs in the gallery and I know you had your work cut out with the sudden influx of pups in the last couple days!
Robbie and Elisha, thank you for all your devotion to the shy dogs and the crazy dogs (those puppies are mental!) and thank you Robbie for all the hard work of the last few weeks. It’s hard to believe this will be your last week (for now!)
And victoria and Renee. The dogs in the main area got so much love this week especially Whoo Tong and Long who never got forgotten. Little Butters will miss his extra long walks with you Victoria!
A final big thank you to our long term volunteers Chelsea and Jen (welcome back Jen!). You’ve been amazing this week with the main area and helping me throughout the week.

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