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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another crazy busy week has ended and once again we want to say thank you to our amazing group of volunteers.
In the nursery we want to thank you Hadas for her amazing work with the dogs there, you show so much love and care for all of them and you are doing a great job working with the shy ones. Also thank you Nessa who, unfortunely, had to leave us earlier and couldn’t be in the group picture.
Thank you to Dorian for looking after our puppies in the office and of course our old boy Boss, also thank you for staying with us another week. In the main area we want to say a big thank you to Ryan, Lara, and Vanessa, we know that with a full clinic it can be crazy and busy but you guys did great this week and worked really hard. In the gallery thank you Robbie and Danielle for your amazing work this week, you showed so much care for all the dogs there. Robbie thank you for staying with us 3 more weeks its always great to have people to stay longer that know the dogs and the routine.
A big big thank you to Jess and Chelsea our long term volunteers for your dedication every day! This dogs are much happier with you here.
Thank you to everyone for your time spent with us and for supporting our project.

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