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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Thank you to an amazing group of volunteers for another lovely week.
Thank you Aaron and Stuart for looking after our dogs in the nursery and for giving them the love they deserve. Stuart, it was so nice having you here for 3 weeks and all the dogs will miss you so much, and we will miss you too, but we hope you can come back one day. Thank you Dominic for taking care of the dogs in the Office, we know how crazy puppies can be and, of course, for staying with us one more week. In the main area thank you to Migle, Liam, Ana, Brittany and Cathy for your week with us, for showing the dogs so much love and for all your hard work.
Thank you to Migle and Liam for deciding to stay with us another week. We really appreciate it. In the gallery, thank you to Veronica and Yvette for all of your dedication, love and attention you gave to the dogs. You were truly amazing.
A big welcome and thank you to Alex our vet nurse that is staying with us for a few months. We really appeciate all the help you are giving us.
Once again we can’t thank enough to our long term team Jack, Lucie, Sarah and Jess for all you do every week and for all the care you have given the dogs.
Thank you everyone and we hope to see you again.

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