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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

And another week has ended, and this week with a small number of volunteers everyone had to work really hard! Thank you so much to all our volunteers! Stuart, thank you for taking care of our dogs in the nursery! Your love for them is amazing! Thank you Gemma,Victor and Guen for being in charge of the gallery! For making sure all the dogs were being loved and taken care of. Gemma we will keep all your notes from the dogs in the gallery, its shows your love for all of them. Of course, Guen thank you for staying with us for two weeks, we hope to see you again! In the main area thank you Steve for your dedication this week and a special thank you to Jane who is not in the group picture because she had to leave earlier. Jane you are truly amazing! Your love for the dogs and your care for them is something really beautiful, also thank you for staying with us for 2 weeks. This week after a big storm hit the Park and destroyed a lot of trees and roofs, among other things, we want to say a special thank you to all the amazing elephant volunteers who came to the dog shelter and gave us a really helped with all the cleaning and fixing we had to do! You guys were such a big help and it would have taken us a long time to go back to normal without your help! Also, thank you for showing up everyday to help us walk all the dogs. And, of course, a huge thank you to Jess, Lucie and Jack our long term team for all the work you do everyday with our dogs and for always helping in everything that is needed. Without your help things would be so much harder. Thank you for your dedication!
We hope to see you all again.


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