Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers
What an amazing wonderful big group this week!! We want to thank everyone who worked this week to get so many things done. We got to clean and organize the entire clinic and walk all the runs, plus socializing with our dogs and giving them the love and attention they deserve. Thank you Kirsty for taking care of our dogs in the nursery and for spending time with the shy dogs in there. Thank you Stephanie for another week with our old boy Boss in the Office and all the crazy puppies, for taking care of our kittens and, of course, for staying another week! Big thank you to Sarah, Tess, Gaby, Auxanne, Nicolas and Camila for your help in the main area and for making sure our dogs were loved and taken care off! Also, for walking our mountain runs daily and for your time spent with our paralyzed dogs. And, of course, to Sarah and Gaby for being with us for another week! To Nadine thanks for all your dedication to our new dogs in Dv2 making sure everything went well especially at feeding time and for making such a difference with the shy ones. Thanks to our girls in the gallery Chelsea, Dominique, Jenny and Alfie! You spent so much time with them making sure everyone was ok, and also for clipping the nails, fluids and much more! We really apprecciate it. Lisa who unfortunately had to leave us earlier thank you for the love and care you gave to all our Open Run 9 dogs! They were lucky to have you there!
For our long term team Jack, Jess and Lucie thank you for all the things you do every week, from organizing elephant volunteers that want to visit our dogs, all the passports with such beautiful pictures and of course Jess for looking after Open Run 9 making sure everyone is ok. To the 3 of you a big thank you for making our dogs here so much happier!!