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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another week came to an end and as always we want to say a very big THANK YOU to all our volunteers this week!!! Freddy, Ariel and Tess thank you so much for your help in the main area, making sure all our dogs got all the attention they need and deserve and that everything was organized and Tess thank you for staying with us for another week! Chelsea and Maria thank you for taking care of our dogs in the gallery and spending so much time with them and of course Chelsea thank you for staying with us two more weeks and for helping in Open Run 9! We know its not easy getting to know all those little ones but you did great this week! Stephanie thank you for your care for our Office dogs and for showing so much love for our kittens and for also staying with us for 2 more weeks! Sarah welcome back! Thanks for your work in the nursery! Lotus and all of us are very happy to have you here! And as for our long-term volunteers – Lucie thank you for all your care in the distemper area and for also taking the huge task of doing all the passports for our dogs with such great pictures! Its not easy and you are doing an amazing job! Jess, thank your for your love and devotion to our dogs in Open Run 9, and for also helping out in the main area when its needed! Jack thanks for your work with all the dogs we have now on fluids and with the eye meds and also for organizing elephant volunteers and making everyone feel helpfull and welcome!
We hope that everyone had a great week!

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