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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

As always we want to say a very big THANK YOU to all our volunteers this week!!! Jezz and Sparrow, thanks for all your help in the main area, we know it’s been a very busy week with not too many volunteers! Jill and Amy thanks so much for taking care of a very full gallery and spending so much extra time with the doggies there! Sherree thanks so much for staying an extra week to take care of our puppies – this week would have been so much harder for us if you hadn’t stayed on! Jolien thanks so much for amazing 2 weeks that you took care of the dogs in Open Run 9! The same to Mieke for taking care of the office and the cats! Peter, thanks for helping in the main area and then later for taking over Open Run 9 – it’s amazing how quickly you learnt all those names!! As for our long-term volunteers – a big thanks to all of them for taking care of extra tasks due to a shortage of weekly volunteers at the end of the week! Lucie thanks for all your care and devotion in the distemper area! The same to Jess, who now will be taking over taking care of the puppy mill rescues in Open Run 9, as we really need someone long-term there who can get to know them better. Jack thanks for all your hard work with the yearly vaccinations, on top of eye meds and fluids and so on! And also a big thanks to Monica for helping to organize the clinic and the volunteers and for making sure that all the dogs get their needed check-ups.

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