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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

We have no words to describe how grateful we are with this amazing group of volunteers. Their enthusiasm was contagious and they helped us to get through the difficult times calmly. Frankie, Robin, Serena and Hannah, you did an amazing job in the main area. We wish you the best and we hope to see you around here soon.

Allan, thanks so much for helping us in the gallery area. We will miss your enthusiasm and love for the little ones. Little Jack and Tina, you did an amazing job doing the eye medications and fluids, we are sure you will be amazing vets, the kind the world needs: vets with kindness and love for animals and who want to make a difference!

We are very happy that Mieke, Jolien and Sheeree will be with us for one more week, you have done a great job.

We sadly say goodbye to Becca who, for more than a month, took great care of our little puppy-mill rescued dogs. Come back one day and stay forever!!

A very special thanks go out to our long term volunteers Jess and Lucie, who are taking care of our most sick animals, the ones that have tested positive for distemper. We admire your strength and dedication. We know how hard it is but you are doing the best and hopefully all that love will help the doggies to recover and overcome this nightmare soon.

A big thanks goes out to our vaccination team Jack and Holly who started the process of vaccinating the whole park. Will take a little while but just in the first day they did about 60!! Well done! We also want to thanks Krista for giving us a hand always when we most need it!

And last but not least thanks to our long term vol Monica who makes sure everyone gets checked and also organizes the vet team to make sure everyone gets their right treatment.

Once again THANK YOU!!!

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