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Thank You This Week’s Volunteers

A big thanks to our group of volunteers this week. was a tough one but was easier to handle it thanks to all your help and dedication. A big hug for Rene, we appreciate your devotion and hard work. We are also sad that after three weeks Janine had to go. We will miss her here so much. We are very sad to know Becca’s time with us is coming into an end, we owe you so much for the incredible work you do with the little ones. Tiah, Christina, Elizabeth, David and Su was great to have you here. We hope one day you come again for longer. Also we could not be happier that Kristina, Jack and Hannah will be with us for one more week, is been amazing to have you here. as always a big thanks to our group of long term volunteers: jess and Monica who are staying at the park and Lucie and Jack who are staying in another land but of course taking care of some dogs.

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