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Thank You To Last Week’s Volunteers

Every Sunday we say goodbye to all the dog volunteers who have given so much to our doggies. This week we want to thank : Lisa and Emil, these two weeks with us have flown by, we hope to see you once again, here you have a second home. Chrissie, thank you for spending 4 weeks with us and helping us do some training and socialization; Sophie, thanks for your dedication and love to our cats; Lisa and Jhon, always a pleasure to have you here, Baby Jacky and Mhee are going to miss you but we are so excited to know you will be back; Martina and Jennie, thanks for your good energy and lovely care in the main area. Maya, who left a bit early, thanks for the time you spent with the dogs. We also want to thanks the time of an elephant volunteer Vinanda, who put in practice some reiki techniques with some of our more critical cases, was lovely to have you around. And last but not least important, thanks to our long term volunteers Jack and Lucie who are taking amazing care of our many current puppies and doing some special jobs like fluids and eye and ear medication. We also want to thank Nick who helped us during the week doing many different stuff, very helpful!


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