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Hello Sabrina,

I know you wanted updates on how the dogs are doing once they are adopted so I thought I would catch you up on Salt’s first week here. She has officially been renamed Madison and she loves her new people. She tried to chew through her crate on the flight over here so I was nervous she would hate small spaces but she loves rides in the car and has been sleeping in her crate at night (next to my bed) without complaint. We went to the vet and she got tested for heartworm and tick born diseases and had a comprehensive physical exam and they said she is a very healthy girl. We also started dog training classes and she is already the star pupil. She seems happy and is learning how to play and be a carefree pup with the help from her two cousin dogs. I plan on posting some photos on the ENP Global Pack facebook page so you can check up on her there as well. Thanks again for everything, she is truly a blessing.

Best wishes,

Anna Pollard

Post Series: Salt
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