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Salsa’s Happy Tale

AND HERE SALSA’s HAPPY TAIL! What a sweet story, thank you Alex!

When my wife, Liz told me she found a dog she wanted to bring home from ENP I was skeptical. I didn’t think it’d ever be worth the time or money to bring a dog back from Thailand when we could easily adopt a dog back home in Texas. But then I met “Salsa”, and from the first time we met her I knew I was going to cave and bring her home. I don’t know if was the fact that she didn’t bark, or how when we were walking her she seemed so engaged in everything going on. But then on our last day at ENP we went to visit her in her run. She was way far away, and we saw her and called out to her and she ran all the way to us and stuck her nose next to the gate like she wanted us to come get her. That’s when I knew it’d break my heart not to bring her home. Mae “Salsa” Ping started her life with us unsure about being an indoor dog. She wanted to go outside and didn’t quite understand why we kept making her come inside, or why our other dog (Wiggins, a chihuahua) wanted to come in all the time. However that all changed as soon as I put her on the sofa. She then discovered that a life of puppy luxury was what awaited her and she LIKED it! Since then she’s got her spot on the sofa, her spot on the bed, and her spot in the kitchen. She almost instantly became a part of our family. She loves attention and affection, rolling over onto her back to present her belly for belly rubs all the time. She plays with our cat, chasing him around and letting him bop her on the head. She is an early riser, ready for a walk in the cool morning down in the woods behind our house. Oh, and she’s had zero accidents inside the house… something I did not expect.. perfectly housebroken. She is the sweetest dog we’ve ever had. I really think she loves us and it makes me SO happy, because we really love her already.

Post Series: Salsa
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