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Rosemary’s Happy Tale

AND HERE ROSEMARY’s VERY SWEET HAPPY TALE!!! Thanks so much Maria for giving her this great life!

Rosemary is such a sweet little girl – we love her to bits! We renamed her Rosa and she loves to give handshakes and kisses. She only has 3 legs and her back leg was broken badly a long time ago but this not stop her running around! She can fly down her ramp to go out and when she really wants to down the stairs. She loves poking around the garden, trips in the car and cuddling with us. We had never had a daschund before so I was not prepared for such an adorable personality, she is so calm and sweet as well as feisty and playful. We learned she has a very enlarged heart but we will just enjoy every minute with her. She is strong and determined.

Post Series: Rosemary
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