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Hi Sabrina,

We hope that you are well!
We thought that you might like an update on how Phoebe (now known as Sook) is doing. She has settled in wonderfully to her new home, and absolutely loves getting cuddles on the sofa, chewing her toys and snuggling under the duvet. She isn’t such a fan of going outside as she gets quite anxious – any noise she hears makes her freeze and she doesn’t like new people and dogs. Quite understandable considering she travelled over 10,400km to get to her new home, so everything is very new for her! She is gaining in confidence every day and it is wonderful to see her develop. She really is the perfect dog. We can’t thank you enough for all of your help in getting her to us – you and everyone at ENP dogs are superstars!
Sorry for all of the photos – I couldn’t choose my favourite as she is just too cute. And I thought that you would like the one of her modelling the ENP volunteer top!
Best wishes,
Kat and David
Post Series: Phoebe
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