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Pee Dee (now Candyce’s) Happy Tale

HERE IS PEE DEE’S HAPPY TALE, the first of our dogs to go to Taiwan! Thank you Soleil!

I first met Candyce (then named Pee Dee) as a dog volunteer in December 2014. She was in the clinic at the time and I instantly fell in love with her. It was a long process to get her to Taiwan, she then had to spend 21 days in quarantine upon arrival but she took it all in her stride. She has been home for 1 month now and aside from some minor separation anxiety at first she has settled into life in an apartment very well. Candyce is a very fast learner and is very well behaved (most of the time), she was very easy to toilet train and has already learned many commands such as come and sit. She loves hiking and chasing rats and is really enjoying trying different kinds of Taiwanese food, but her absolute favourite is stinky tofu. Almost every time I take her out many people comment on how beautiful she is and often ask where she comes from because she “doesn’t look Taiwanese”. Although she’s only been home for a month I already can’t imagine life without her, adopting an ENP dog was a big decision and a very long and stressful process but it was definitely worth it to see Candyce so happy and enjoying her new life.

Post Series: Pee Dee
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