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Elvis’ Happy Tale

And here is Elvis Happy Tale!! Thanks so much to Alice for the wonderful update!

I adopted a small dog named Elvis in July. He is doing great here in the Chicago area.
The first few days, he really did not like to walk up and down the carpeted stairs going to my apartment so I carried him. He was okay with the cement stairs outside my building, though. Now he is great – running up and down the carpeted stairs. He also prefers to walk on concrete. Even now, he still prefers walking on the sidewalk instead of walking on grass! My vet was very excited to meet a dog from Thailand. She even took his photo and posted on her Facebook page! Elvis loves when I have company over to my apartment. He runs in circles and runs full speed around my apartment. He is a very happy dog. At first, I was worried that he might miss all of his canine companions back at ENP, but he seems to really like being the center of my attention and to be around people full-time. Elvis is a bit of a chewer. I cannot give him plastic toys or plush animal toys. He chews them apart immediately. He likes tennis balls and other hard rubber toys. He is a great dog and I am having a lot of fun with him!! I am very happy that I brought him back from Thailand.

Post Series: Elvis
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