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Doi Lek


Hi Sabrina! Doi Lek is doing great! She has become such a bed potato lol she only gets up to go on walks. We have a bit of a dog walking posse. It’s usually Doi Lek and I, my daughter and my neighbor and her 3 small dogs. We walk all over town. She is still shy when it comes to guys or kids but it’s a very passive and she usually just comes and stands behind me. Unless she is on the bed then she snuggles with my husband and the kids. She had no problem with the cats and 2 in particular have really taken a liking to her and will sleep next to her and give lots of headbutts. We did have a bit of difficulty at first finding food that she would eat. As I’ve now seen is a trend on the Global pack of ENP dogs not eating kibble. But once I mixed it with wet food she has been eating well. I would like her to put on a few more pounds. She really isn’t food motivated at all (which has slowed training a bit) she isn’t interested in any people food except for the occasional piece of chicken. Everyone says how well behaved and polite she is, she doesn’t bark at all, beg or jump, and has never had an accident inside. Walking is a dream because she doesn’t pull one bit, she fits in wonderfully with our family.


Post Series: Doi Lek
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