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Bang Khen

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I met Bang Khen at ENP almost 3 years ago, and haven't stopped thinking about her since. Just over 3 months ago, I decided I needed to adopt her. It's now been two exciting, amazing weeks since Bang Khen (now named Winnie) has been in Canada. Bringing a new dog into my pack (with "big" fur sister, Lexi), I was ready to work on house training, crate training and walking on a leash. Winnie arrived in Canada already house trained (what a pleasant surprise! No accidents yet!), and perfect on a leash! She was quick to let me know that she was done with her crate and could be trusted in the house unsupervised while I was at work. Eating has been a challenge as Winnie settles into her new life, but we're making small gains everyday! Today, I discovered she loves freeze dried chicken as a reat! 

Lexi, my 8 year old Rat Terrier that I adopted as a pup, and Winnie (who's 6 years old) are becoming friends. They've been very respectful of each other's space. Our daily walks and snuggles are helping to solidify their relationship. I had a trainer come to us last weekend to work with both girls and I. Mostly it was training for me to become a strong pack leader. 

Winnie has a lovely, calm energy. She is the perfect addition to my little fur family. Today, we're celebrating Halloween (complete with dog costumes), and I'm eagerly awaiting Winnie's first experience with snow! I've already had to put her winter coat on her, as she's not used to Canadian temperatures!

Sabrina, Christine and the ENP crew made Winnie's adoption process so easy. All of the details were taken care of on their end. We met Amy, my flight volunteer, at the airport after she cleared customs and I was reunited with my pup. I am so thankful for all of the people who have looked after Winnie for the first 6 years of her life, and especially Darrick and Lek for rescuing her from the flood in Bangkok in 2011. My pack is now complete!
Post Series: Bang Khen
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