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To Everyone at The Elephant Nature Park,

First of all we want to say a huge thank you to Sabrina, our flight volunteer Ellie and everybody else over in Thailand who helped to bring our girl home! You all do such an incredible job and we will be forever grateful!

Bailey is amazing! She is such a beautiful and smart dog and is already perfectly happy and relaxed in her new life! She surprises us everyday with how quickly she is learning and the amount of love she has to give! She still has some nervousness around other dogs, but with every walk she gets more and more bold and playful! With humans, she couldn’t be more friendly. She LOVES cuddles and kisses especially first thing in the morning. For the first few days after she arrived, she was our doggy alarm clock, waking us up bright and early by licking our faces!! The clever girl she is has now learned the sound of our real alarm, as soon as she hears it she bounds over for morning kisses and cuddles.

Clicker training is going well! Just hours after picking her up from the airport she learned the sit command, and can now add “down" “stay" “leave" “off" "come here" and “fetch" to her list of tricks!!  Fetch is her favourite game, especially in our big back garden. She spends a lot of time out there chasing squirrels and birds, she loves it!! She also loves chewing things… Most of her toys haven’t lasted very long… One of the pictures shows her with a toy she had been given just half an hour before the photo was taken!! Unfortunately she also like to chew the cushions from the sofa, and the bath mat… 

We can’t believe our luck with how easily she has settled. We won’t take any of the credit though. It was all Bailey, she truly is a special dog with a lot to give and we couldn’t be prouder owners!! Everyone at the park can be safe in the knowledge she is happy and so so loved!!

Thank you for bringing us together!

Lucy, Greig and Bailey
Post Series: Bailey
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