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Please Vote For Chok Dee

Today we want to share a very special story about one of our very special dogs that got adopted to the U.K. over a year ago now. And how far she has come in that time – thanks to her amazing adopter. They sure are a very special team, helping so many children!! And they need all your votes so that they can extend their very special work and help more children in need. Thanks everyone for your support!

Here the words from Natalia, Chok Dee’s adopter:

Hey guys, Chohk Dee (who I rescued a year ago now) has since joined my team of therapy dogs – she’s doing an incredible job and I’m so proud of her! You can see her working in the video below. She’ll also be on ITV Anglia East News at 6pm this Thursday, she’s come a long way since she was first rescued by ENP 🙂
We’ve been shortlisted for The People’s Projects award and if we receive enough votes, we’ll be granted £50,000 worth of funding to expand the work. If you live in the UK or have a UK address, I would be HUGELY grateful if you could vote for Chohk Dee and I at the following:…/transforming-young-…


Please pass on the word and keep sharing!! Voting closes in two weeks. Remember to check your junk mail for voting confirmation -thank you SO much for your support xx


http://<iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”280″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true”></iframe>

Post Series: Chok Dee
  • 1.Please Vote For Chok Dee
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