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Looking For Flight Volunteers

WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MANY MANY FLIGHT VOLUNTEERS!!!! Please help us bring our dogs to their forever families!!! No extra costs involved! Please send us a message or an email to if you are interested in being a flight volunteer. Especially those destinations are currently needed:

-Los Angeles, U.S.A.
-Seattle, U.S.A.
-Chicago, U.S.A.
-Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
-Paris, France (from mid August)
-Amsterdam, Netherlands (from end of July)
-New York or Washington D.C. (from August)
-Cologne, Düsseldorf or Frankfurt, Germany (from September)
-San Francisco, U.S.A. (from November)
-Hamburg, Berlin or Dortmund, Germany (from November)

P.S. We mainly need flight volunteers to Europe, the U.S.A. and Canada. Unfortunately we can’t send dogs straight to the U.K., Australia or New Zealand, so as much as we appreciate all past offers we unfortunately can’t use those flights.

P.P.S. Thanks to everyone for sharing!!!

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