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India’s Happy Tale

AND HERE IS INDIA’S HAPPY TALE! Thank you so much Amy for giving her such a great life!!

India is settling in really well, we are both so happy. She doesn’t really like being left on her own, but we are working on that! Every time we go for a walk people stop me to ask what kind of dog she is because she doesn’t look anything like any other dog they have seen in England before and they can’t figure out her mix. I love being able to tell her story, everyone is always so surprised. I think when you say “Thai rescue dog” to someone they instantly picture a rabies and flea ridden ferocious dog … and then they see India, with her super soft fur, playing happily with their dog at the park – slowly we are changing people’s perceptions!
She is the sweetest, most loving girl and I already can’t imagine my life without her. Thank you so much to everyone at ENP, her flight volunteer, Christine in Bangkok and all of the rest of you that have helped her on her journey so far. I promise you all that she will continue to have all of the love and support you have shown her along the way xxxx

Post Series: India
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