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Going to Los Angeles with China Airlines?

Like always we are looking for flight volunteers – this time very specifically though:


Many dogs are waiting to go to Los Angeles and China Airlines is the only airline that takes up to 12 dogs and is also very cheap in doing so. If you or someone you know is flying that route PLEASE contact us and send the itinerary to!!! You will help many dogs on their way to a loving home! Please also help us share! THANKS EVERYONE!!!

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. I live in LA and would be interested in being a flight volunteer. Can you tell me what it entails?

    1. Hello! Thank you for your interest in being a flight volunteer! So do you already have a trip planned to Thailand and a ticket booked? If so, please email me your itinerary to and then I can have a look if your airline would work for us and explain everything else to you! Thanks a lot!

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