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Duang – sponsor update October 2015

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Duang just recently joined the ENP family and already found a sponsor! She came to us at the beginning of September, after being rescued from Bangkok, where she lived begging for money to give it to her favorite vendor in exchange for food. We saw a video of her doing so, what an amazingly smart dog she is!! But she unfortunately begged the wrong people eventually and after they threatened to kill her, her people decided to send her up to ENP. As she is so attached to humans we decided to put her into the dog volunteer house. After initial struggling and attempts to escape from there when all the volunteers were leaving for food or work, she now seems to have settled in and she enjoys playing with her pack mates from time to time. She is still very affectionate with people though, sometimes grabbing their arm or leg when they are about to leave and doesn’t let go. It would be great if she would find a forever home.

Post Series: Duang
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