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Cumbia’s Happy Tale

AND HERE IS CUMBIA’S HAPPY TALE! Thank you very much Leasha, we love seeing her so happy!

When I walked into ENP in February I never would have thought I would leave adopting a puppy. I had some free time that day so I made my way down to the dog sanctuary to lend a hand and my life changed then and there. The second I saw Cumbia I knew I would never forget her the rest of my life if I didn’t bring her home, I’ve volunteered at many dog shelters back home and never had that feeling. Back in Canada I am a golf course superintendent and have a 10 year old Belgian Shepherd who helps chase the geese off the golf course and keep staff morale up. I am very lucky to get to bring my dogs to work everyday – and so are they, 350 acres of fun waiting for them every morning. When Ellie got to Canada I could hardly get her to come out of her shell, she was terrified of everything and everybody. I was wondering how she would start to adapt, especially at a golf course full of people. My Belgian isn’t much of a dogs dog but she suddenly started letting Ellie sleep on her bed with her and snuggle up. Ellie also found a best friend in my assistant and friend Shaemos Campbell and they are now inseparable, through more love than I’ve ever seen he’s helped her have the confidence to start to show her personality. Everyday Ellie took on something new, chasing geese, jumping up on the golf carts to ride around, making more dog friends then I can count, graduating puppy class, learning new tricks. Her fun loving, sassy little attitude started to emerge, now she checks out all the golf carts for treats, drags employees back packs around, jumps up for loving any chance she gets, takes herself on adventures and runs out on the golf course every day. She is the bell of the ball and everybody takes any opportunity to spend time with her. Who could resist with her spunky, loving attitude, 4 dew claws and Mohawk hair. I still have that same feeling that I had the first time I saw her, sometimes you just have to follow your heart.

Post Series: Cumbia
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