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Boonrod’s Happy Tale

AND HERE IS BOONROD’S HAPPY TALE!! Thanks so much to Josie and Dave and also a special THANKS to Tara, who took care of Boonrod for the first weeks, so that he didn’t have to miss his flight! We are so happy about the life he is living now!

Boonrod is adjusting wonderfully since flying home. He had a bit of a rocky start and was very nervous and barking at any strangers or other dogs, but having had a few weeks stability he has transformed in to the sweetest, easiest most playful little soul and is now taking new friends in his stride! We have been very lucky as he’s not needed any toilet-training, doesn’t chew, doesn’t bark through the day and doesn’t mind sharing his food or toys! Easy! His favourite things include his bed, squirrels, his squeaky Elephant ‘Chang’, his bed again, running, treats, aaaaaand his bed again… His least favourite things include people being noisy after 9pm (rude, this earns you quite the glare), rain, and not being able to climb trees after squirrels (he gives it a good try though). Although he doesn’t bark we have discovered that he ‘talks’ back if he disagrees with you, similar to a husky, it’s the funniest noise – he’ll tell you all about it if he thinks you may have forgotten dinner time for instance! He’s just starting to build confidence and beginning to explore things like paddling in the river and making friends with other pooches in the park – we can’t wait to see him grow in to his very own character and I’m sure he has lots of new favourite things to discover. All in all we feel so lucky to have him home with us and so thankful to all the people along the way that made it possible – we get so many comments about what a lovely dog he is and we couldn’t agree more! People are always so interested in his story and we hope he’s helping to spread the word of ENP to our local area
-Josie and Dave


Post Series: Boonrod
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