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BKK to Amsterdam

Hi all, we are Pebbles, Izzy and Wolverine. We are currently living at Elephant Nature Park Dogs but we have great news! In August we met this lovely lady Jane and she is going to adopt all three of us. Can you imagine how happy we are? It’s like winning the lottery if you ask us!

We are in quarantine now and we are ready to travel after the 1st of February 2015.

We want to keep the travel costs low so we need a flightvolunteer who is flying with KLM from Bangkok to Amsterdam.

No costs at all, only be our flightvolunteer to Amsterdam.

Can you help us please? Or do you know somebody who can help? Please share this post so we will hopefully find someone soon . Thank you so much!
For more info contact:


This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Hi

    I will be travelling back from Bangkok to uk during November with emirates I would love to be a flight volunteer. My boyfriend is coming here in October if needed I will arrange for him to get a klm flight landing in Amsterdam on his return.

    regards julie

    1. Hi! Thank you very much! The earliest we need dogs travelling to Amsterdam will be around the 8th of November. Is your boyfriend still around then? Thank you very much for thinking about us! Best regards, Sabrina

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