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BK in forest BK n Take in car BK on Mt C BK snack time

Bua Kao (BK) and her litter mates were rescued by Lek and crew during the record Bangkok floods.  Sadly only she and her sibling survived and made it out to ENP.  She immigrated to a small island near the Canadian border where she became pals with her friend Takeshi the Cambodian cat who loved to share the front passenger seat.  She took to the forest and was great at bushwhacking off trail using her nose to find the trail back home.

Possibly because of her difficult start in life, BK found it hard to live with other dogs so she now lives with a new family that spoils her rotten and she enjoys being the center of their universe, the only pooch in their home, and can do photo shoots where she eats off a plate :-).  It would be great if more ENP dogs could join the Global Pack and live out their lives with a family like this.

– Tracey

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