Ayo will be going to Canada!!! Updates SOME MORE AMAZING NEWS!!! Ayo is getting adopted, she has found a forever home with Tania in Canada. Hopefully she will be there before the end of this year! Share ThisPlus onePin ItTweetShare Related Posts hello newcomers You got to meet all our new puppies yesterday, now let us also introduce you… Stupsi and Khao Yai are on their way to Bangkok Stupsi and Khao Yai are on their way to Bangkok! Thank you Christine as always… Rod, Polka and Tai Are On Their Way Home A few days ago Rod, Polka and Tai left the park to set off on… Thank you Matt! A huge THANK YOU goes to Matthew Edson for all this donation of surgery supplies…
Stupsi and Khao Yai are on their way to Bangkok Stupsi and Khao Yai are on their way to Bangkok! Thank you Christine as always…
Rod, Polka and Tai Are On Their Way Home A few days ago Rod, Polka and Tai left the park to set off on…