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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

We want to thank the wonderful job of the team this week. A big thanks go to the great couple Heather and Harley who could not do a better job taking care of the dogs in the Nursery. Thanks guys for your love and enthusiasm, we are very happy to have you both one more week.

Sophie, thanks a lot for taking care of our very special old boy boss and the cute Ruby, the office was always impeccable. In the always busy main area Anna, Joakim, Laura and Maurice did a great job, you guys were very efficient and became a great team working together.

Special thanks to Anna for taking such good care of our most beloved old boy Mhee. A big thanks also to the trio Guenaelle, Melanie and Stuart who were taking care of the dogs at the gallery, they were difficult at times to walk and we know you had to carry them back and forth to the toilet.

We can not be sadder to know our amazing long-term volunteer Jen is leaving. A big empty space will remain in the clinic as you were always a presence ready to help at the right moment, you will be for sure missed.

Finally, we want to give a very huge thanks to our super long-term volunteer Jess who for the last three months assumed the role of the dog volunteer coordinator, doing an amazing job. Luckily for us, she will continue being on top of the dogs at the clinic and following up their treatments.

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