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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

A big thank you to this week’s group of hard-working, dedicated individuals!

With 6 student vet nurses, we managed to get back on top of the bloods that needed taking. Thank you to Georgia, Maddy, Lauren, Valerie, Sammy, Rachel for all your help with fluids, wound cleaning and taking bloods. We were a little short staffed so we can’t thank you enough really for your dedication and eagerness to learn.

Iwona and Heather, thank you so much for all your care and love with our dogs in the gallery. Your patience and love will be missed by them all!

In the nursery, Beth and Mandy, thank you for looking after our lovely, demanding dogs in the nursery. Between all the feisty pups and the return of the one and only Puppy, you had your hands full but you did a great job of keeping them all in check!

Thank you, Shirley for your hard work and all the attention you gave our main area pals. You were always ready to get stuck in and we hope you think of us fondly when you look at your battered knee!

Fabian, thank you for returning throughout the week to help us out in the clinic. We knew the elephants wouldn’t keep you away for long…

And our long term team… I can’t put in words how hard you guys work and how much we appreciate everything you do with such patience and efficiency!

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