Suki’s Happy Tale
I first met Suki on my first of many visits to the park as a dog volunteer back in 2013. She had arrived a few months earlier and given birth to seven puppies. Unfortunately, only four survived. Over the years Suki was in the clinic on several occasions and frequently on eye meds. She has always been a feisty character and this is something that I liked about her. But she had always been affectionate to me and other volunteers. However, on arriving in Bangkok Suki displayed some disturbing signs of fear aggression. I had never seen Suki react to westerners that way and I questioned whether I had made the right decision or not. Six months on and Suki is a lot calmer now. She enjoys her walks, exploring the sounds, sights and smells of the neighborhood. She gets in and out of the lifts with strangers. Suki has enjoyed trips to her Auntie Christine’s for holidays and has made a boyfriend with one of the local dogs. Suki and I still have work to do but we love each other, especially snuggling on the sofa at the end of the day!