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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Thank you and farewell to this week’s incredible group of volunteers!

We’ve had a lucky week with the weather not causing too much problem and were able to spread the love in all of the runs throughout the week.

Our nursery girls, Sonia and Melanie! Thank you so much for your care and commitment to our dogs and puppies in the nursery. From keeping Whoo Tong entertained to catching Kina every time she escaped.

In the office, thank you Alex for looking after Boss and his girlfriends. They will miss all the attention and cuddles that you showered them in.

Charles and Nicole, thank you for showing such love and patience with our gallery dogs. We’ve seen an improvement with some of our shyer dogs really coming out of their shells and I know Alice and Una will really miss you both!

And in the main area, thank you to Sandra, Eva and Gillian. You were a great team and doted on all our lovely clinic dogs even with the madness of the new cage construction!

Finally, thank you to our long term team who are always on hand to deal with all the craziness that goes on and keeping spirits up when the weather does a 180 on us. We couldn’t do this without you.

We hope to see you all back here in the future and thank you Mel for giving Doi the chance to have an amazing forever home with you and your family!

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