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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Crazy week with a really great team! Thank you to all this week’s volunteer for being such a motivated, patient and dog-loving group!

Tim, Lauren and Sarah! Thank you so much for making sure all our little dogs and soon-to-fly dogs got the best cuddles and love any dog could have.

Hannah and Cal, thank you for all your hard work in the main area. We had a lot of crazy noisy dogs this week and they definitely kept you guys on your toes with their bundles of energy! I hope you were happy to have joined us after your week with the elephants… not sure which was more tiring!

Gillian, thank you for sticking with us for another week. Pinto will be more than happy to get his fun, little, wobbly walks even if he acts like a grumpy toddler having his boots put on and taken off!

Also thank you to our last week’s volunteers Cassie and Eliza for all your help this week.

Thank you Jen and Robbie for all your hard work and keeping our nursery dogs entertained and loved. Mae Dam/Kina always misses you so much on your day off! And Chelsea, all the new passports are looking amazing and the dogs all thank you for getting their good sides!

And last but never least… Nati! Are you sure you can’t stay?! How are we going to go on without your enthusiasm and gift for getting some of our favourite dogs adopted! Just drop Jersey off and fly on back!

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