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This Week’s Amazing Volunteers

A big thank you to this weeks little group! We had a crazy last couple days with the rainy season hitting us full force and chasing down Big Run 4a in their bid for freedom…

Thank you Cassie and Natalie for all your hard work in the gallery with our constant rotation of little dogs and their fussy eating habits. I know the pups put you through your paces having to clean up their messy cages!

Thank you Eliza for looking after our office dogs and the pups, Flora and Fauna. They’re getting so big now and so vocal!

And in our main area, thank you to Nicole for remaining with us another week instead of going back to the elephants. It was great having you with the big dogs in the clinic (although I’m sure Our office dogs still got their daily cuddles from you) and we hope to see you soon!

Nati, Jen, Chelsea and Robbie! Thank you for being such a fab team – rescuing rats, chasing dogs after hours and looking after dogs through the night! This place would be a lot harder without you guys working as hard as you do…

Ps. We don’t want to let you go in a week Nati!

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