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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another week has gone by and a massive thank you to this weeks group of amazing volunteers.

A big welcome back to Nati & Damien! Thank you Damien for sticking with us for 2 weeks and Nati for 6. We and all the dogs here are happy to have you back with us.

Thank you Peter for all your hard work in the main area; Bobo and Whoo Tong will miss their walks with you everyday. We were sorry to say goodbye to you a day early. 
Thank you to Ben and Nicole for your work in the gallery; giving all those little dogs all your love and their long walks and cuddles. It was great to have you back Ben and we hope to have both you and Nicole visit again soon!
And thank you to Robbie and Serena for the love you gave our dogs in the nursery. The puppies are non stop crazy and we’re so happy to have you both with us for next week as well to keep those little monsters in check (or at least keep track of Karma’s tooth loss!)
Kate, thank you for looking after our old boy boss and trying to keep track of the office pups and their escapades as they constantly jumped out of the office. We know it’s not an easy job!
To our long term volunteers, Jen and Chelsea, thank you so much for everything you do in the clinic and the runs. The day wouldn’t run nearly as smooth without you guys knowing the routine and the process.

We can’t thank you guys enough for all the time and love you put in to making sure all our dogs got the attention and cuddles they needed.

Hopefully we will see you all back here in the not so distant future…

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