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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

One more week has passed and once again we want to say a big big thank you to our amazing group of volunteers.
Thank you to Hadas and Elisha who were taken care of the dogs in the nursery. Thank you for taking them for lovely walks and spending so much time with them. Also Hadas thank you for your two weeks with us all the dogs and everyone will miss you! Thank you Dorian for one more week with us and for taking care of the dogs in the office. Its great to see Boss going on his daily walks with you. In the main area thank you to Adam, Robert, and Lara for your dedication and love for all the dogs. For spending so much time with them and giving them all the cuddles they deserve. Also Lara thank you for your 3 weeks with us, it was great having you here and hopefully you will come back. In the gallery Robbie we cant say thank you enough for all your hard work. Its so good to see how much you love all the dogs you are taking care off and how much they love you. We are looking forward to have you here two more weeks. Finally a huge thank you to our long term volunteers Chelsea and Jess for giving so much of themselves everyday to make sure all the dogs are being taken care off. You being here makes all the difference and it wouldn’t be the same without you.
Thank you to everyone for supporting our project.

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