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Pizza’s Happy Tale

AND HERE PIZZA’s HAPPY TALE!!! I know a lot of you will be happy to see how well he’s finally settled in. Matt and Rachel, we can’t thank you enough for all you’ve gone through with him, you are true angels!

Hey Sabrina, I’m sorry this has taken so long but we’ve been so busy with life and Pizza. I just wanted to let you know how well he’s settled in, it was a tough start as you know. He’s happy, confident and cheeky. He and Dolly are best of friends but, sadly, he and Ruby (our jack Russel) hate each other and so she had to move in with Rachel’s dad. So his weight is increasing, after lots of ups and downs he now loves meal times and gets so excited. We’ve figured out the right balance of food and the routine. Most meals are inhaled down and he comes begging for more. We’ve increased his insulin and he has started to gain weight, he’s currently 16kg. He’s completely settled in, he and Dolly are best of friends and regularly have a good play and cuddle together. He loves his walks and gets so happy when we jangle his lead, jumping at the door and bouncing until we get his lead on. He can only manage about 45 minutes walking before he gets tired but he loves every minute of it. On walks he does get wary of other dogs and can growl and snap if they get too close, but there are some dogs he’s gotten used to and seems to be fine with them. A few weeks ago we had our first break and got a pet sitter. This was the longest we’d left him and was quite nerve racking, but all was fine. Pizza is much better with strangers now and takes everything in his stride.

So, his eyes. Last week pizza went to see the eye vet. All is looking good and he’ll have surgery in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he will regain his sight and relieve the pain from uveitis caused by the diabetes affecting his lens. Pizza is full of confidence, especially compared to when he first arrived. We’re hoping that getting his vision back will improve this even more. He’s cheeky and mischievous, loving and affectionate, and best of all he’s happy!
-Matt & Rachel

Post Series: Pizza
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