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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Another busy but amazing week with a beautiful group of people!! We want to say a big thank you to Katie for looking after our dogs in the nursery. Cindy, thank you for taking care of our puppies from the Office and our old boy Boss and, of course, to give so much love to our kittens in the clinic! Thank you Guen, Brittany, Becky, Erika, Laura, Pedro and Jane for your amazing work in the main area! For giving our dogs so much love, care and attention! And of course Pedro, Guen and Jane thank you for staying with us another week we really aprecciate it. To Michael and Rosa words are not enough to say thank you for your amazing work in the Gallery! You gave so much love to those dogs and so much care! They​ will miss you for sure! To our long term team Jess, Lucie, Jack and Sarah your work here and everything you do is so important and everyone, especially our doggies, really aprecciate it! Thank you everyone and we truly hope you enjoyed your week with us.


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