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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

Thank you so much to this amazing group! One more week with such beautiful people!
Thank you Carol for your care with our dogs in the nursery. Stephanie after 3 weeks of having you here we want to say a big thank you for all the time you spent with our old boy Boss and the puppies in the Office and of course for all the love and attention you gave to our kittens, they will miss you for sure and so will we. Thanks to Ebony, Dane, Rebecca, Kelyanne and Gaby for your dedication and work in the main area, you were all great. Thank you Alexi and Adrianne for taking such good care of all the dogs in the gallery and of course Chelsea thank you for your 3 weeks volunteering with us and for all the work you did in the gallery and so much more during this time. Craig, a big big thank you for your time spent with our special dogs and for giving them the attention they need and deserve and for all the things you helped us this week! A huge thank you for our long term team Jack, Lucie, Jess and Sarah!
In so many ways with your love and dedication every day and also making sure everyone is ok, you are truly a big help!
Thank you everyone for being with us this week and we hope you enjoyed it.

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