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Chujai’s Happy Tale

AND HERE IS CHUJAI’s HAPPY TALE! Thank you so very much Chiara!

Hello Sabrina,
I’m so sorry that I missed your Mail and responsing so late. But don’t worry, everything is grate!
After realy hard first months with Chujai we are now on a good way to an easy and happy life together! In the beginning she was nearly scared of everything (exapt me ?). I couldn’t went for a wolk with her, without taking Chujai on my arms. BUT! After one months she became a realy opened and happy Dog. I think she just needs time to arrive and to understand what life in Germany is about. The Chujai now, ca. 2 months after she arrived is a totally different Dog. She is happy! Is playing and jumping around with my other Dog (in the picture) and is so confident that we already had to get a DogTrainer for her. Because nothing can stop her when she is outside haha. But I’m just happy that she is now the Dog, that I met in the shelter! Full of Love and happines. My hole faniliy is upsessed with her and Chujai defenetly also with them. When someone is coming back home from work she jumps around like the Person was years away. Her favorite place is on the couch espachely when people sit on it and she can cuddel with them. In the morning she jumps in my Bed to wake me up with kisses. She is learning also realy quick and after the first weeks of destroing everything she could find in the house, she knows now what is mine and what hers. So all in all we can say that Chujai has arrived and is happy as ever! She lights up our hearts and I’m so happy that I made this step and took her home.
Xxxxx from us all.
All the best
-Chiara Beier

Post Series: Chujai
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